Im Zusammenhang mit dem Register Berufsfachschulen ist die Frage aufgetaucht, welche BSX-Codes im Datenaustausch gemäss eCH-0260 zu verwenden ist, bzw. ein gemeinsames Verständnis in der AG-DA zu erla…
- [ ] Use meaningful variable names
- [ ] Add comments for complex logic
- [ ] Organize code structure for readability
While chasing the table formatting issue (#266) I came across [these guidelines](https://github.com/pacific-hake/hake-assessment/wiki/How-to-make-the-document-web-accessible) from the hake assessment …
Let me preface this by stating that I am not a PostgreSQL expert, so if there's something obvious I'm not understanding I apologize.
I'm writing a plugin that leverages pg_timeseries in an o…
### Story
As a developer, I want to easily reference (and update as needed) development practices for our project, so I can follow best development practices and our project maintains consistent code…
BBGlab best practices on data organization
Add the Best practices on how to organize data in projects in the cluster and google drive with recommendations on file naming and contact compilation to …
Der Kanton LU hat eine Datenlieferung von ausserkantonal beschulten LE vom Kt. SZ erhalten, welche zwei LV mit der gleichen LV-Nummer enthielt. Die LV betrafen den gleichen LE, einmal den ursprünglich…
Is there a suggested best practice for a non-official hue bulbs/devices, for example a on/off switch/relay? It seems that just sending R,G, or B to 0/255 will control the relay, however I of course ge…
Can I clarify the reasons why each of these are accepted/not accepted?
A: I know multiplicity is optional, but is composition optional to draw too?
B: As shown in part 2 answers
C: Association rol…