**## Module**
ITA - Liquidazione IVA
**## Describe the bug**
Iva a Debito Periodo Precedente errore nel calcolo dell'iva da pagare
**## To Reproduce**
Odoo 1…
Vytvorit typ grafu pie chart aby bylo mozne takto vizualizovat.
Takto to vypada aktualne v Insight, ale chtel bych, aby to bylo hezci/modernejsi a prehlednejsi.
Hlavne => popisky pro traces => je to…
Great work on Primo Gem. It's proving very useful.
There is, however, a gem conflict on rubygems with this project https://github.com/cbetta/primo/
Here's the link to rubygems https://ru…
This might help someone, so I thought I'd post it here. It is a bash-script equivalent of what this proxy does. Note it does need: curl, awk, grep, sed, openssl:
# Input par…
Branch: https://github.com/NYULibraries/primo-explore-views/tree/chore/clear-dependabot-security-vulnerability-alerts_335
Looked through all alerts. This is the initial list of minimum patch versi…
Ciao Ferdi. Intanto grazie per questa app.
Quando sono presenti molti marker, sarebbe utile che i marker rossi siano in primo piano rispetto a quelli blu o di altri colori, affinché ci si possa con…
[Preparing for the Upgrade to Angular 1\.8 in Primo/Primo VE](https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Product_Materials/Announcements/Preparing_for_the_Upgrade_to_Angular_1.8_in_Primo%2F%2FPrimo_VE)…
Pretty sure we can have [travis auto release gems](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/rubygems/) for us. That'd be sweet!
We also need to pick a name cause there is already a gem called pri…
I encountered an issue when trying to retrieve `WaveAnalyticAssetCollection` metadata using the Salesforce CLI (sf-cli). The command used was:
sf project retrieve start -…
Aktuálně máme správu profilu na stránce `/profile`. Zatím bychom ji zachovali (takže stránka `/people/{id}` by vlastně byla read-only verze s jiným UI), ale výhledově to chceme sjednotit, abych jako u…
zoul updated
2 months ago