As issue #108 (and PR #110) has been closed prematurely and I cannot reopen it, I've started a new issue.
@Ianwen Regardless of how long its been in use, the currently implementation alters the defau…
Some tests require to check if elements are enabled / disabled. TypifiedElement or WebElement should have a function to check this status.
Something like `isDisabled` or `isEnabled`.
We have been trying to get Allure working with Fitnesse. Using the several info's available here, for example: https://github.com/fhoeben/allure-fitnesse-listener/blob/master/README.md
Almost everyth…
I am trying to use this solution :)
I have test project with Java + Selenium + Gradle + TestNg.
`compile group: 'com.github.automatedowl', name: 'allure-environment-writer', ver…
Idea is to allow specifying frame/iframe name where element is located so that when somebody wants to access it an automatic switch to that frame happens and then switch back to original window/frame …
When pulling latest master tagged as 4.0.0-BETA2-SNAPSHOT and trying to run TheInternetExampleTests (with a modified ru.yandex.qatools.htmlelements version due to selenium 4 update issues), the follow…
### Jenkins and plugins versions report
The same error as issue https://github.com/jenkinsci/allure-plugin/issues/315 is occurring using JDK 21 with Jenkins Version 2.479.1, Allure plugin version 2.…
This is more like question and not an issue.
I wonder whether there is any working example project on github using Ashot where everything required is already programmed.. For example:
Frist run:
I'm very excited to have found this project. I've noticed however that with the html results I am experiencing a few issues. With two devices and --group-by-scenarios I am only getting half of the res…
Allure 官方介绍[http://allure.qatools.ru/]( http://allure.qatools.ru/)
Allure 生成的报告不仅美观且方便CI集成
# 安装adapter
`pip install pytest-a…