Refs #60
# Rational Codes
Rational codes at Level 2 will be vertical. All of options will be visible.
Rational codes have to be given for each changes. However, only one comment is requ…
Refs #60
What's described here is only for **demo** at the moment in order to understand the versioning workflow. Users will begin with a search interface. They can search with keywords…
Refs [qvdb domain model](https://github.com/DASISH/survey-tools-metadata/blob/master/core-domain-model/QVDB%20core%20domain%20model%20and%20documentation%2C%20working%20document%20as%20of%202015-12-01…
It is currently possible to search for QuestionItem by search in the QuestionText. Please implement search in the question Name in addition.
(Good if this can be implemented befor…
See attachment:
[clickable link.docx](https://github.com/DASISH/qddt-client/files/523892/clickable.link.docx)
Refs #60,
@hildeorten, if you have written this similar documentation, please let me know.
Here is to create a sample of a practical sample of versioning system. This versioning workflow will help us…
The backend does currently not support the alignment of scaledomain. Can you manage it?
The frontend does not currently support the assignment of StructuredMixedResponseDomain in QuestionItem, therefore the following solution is recommended for the front end:
- Left side bar m…
Please create an overview page for categories like currently exist for the question texts in the current version of the tool, see https://qddt.nsd.no/Questions.
Please add search and sort fo…
We have need for a grid that will take a paging endpoint from qddt back end and transfer it to a
sorting/paging/searching/inline editing grid on the front end.
It should be component based, so that …