I use React-Redux to pass ```loadMore``` and ```hasMore```
import * as React from 'react';
import * as InfiniteScroll from 'react-infinite-scroller';
import styled from 'styled-comp…
Could not find "store" in the context of "Connect(LoadingBar)". Either wrap the root component in a , or pass a custom React context provider to and the corresponding React context consumer to Con…
I added support for thunk actions and named arguments for the index, for nested array reducers
I also added an "unbinder" to wrap a redu…
(**edit**: tracking items with a tasklist)
Doing typescript with react is still a bit unconventional, but I think there's a lot of promise there. However the current starter has a few outstanding qu…
I'm trying to use this with redux, but I'm hitting problems. I'm using `RExtensible` components for voices in my composition/audio scene/song. I want to make these components dependent on app state us…
So I'm quite new to this, and haven't wrapped up my head around reducers fully yet, but here's my issue:
Prior to integrating `redux-persist`, my state was as such:
const initialState = {
I am using react-redux in my app, and my whole app is wrapped inside , it is working fine unless and until I dispatch some action to store ,
As soon as I dispatch some action to store and if my drawe…
Since in Recoil selectors can optionally set other atoms values, I think a more fitting name for them would be `molecule`- it's constructed of other atoms values, and can update them as well!
It to…
It would be nice to have an examples folder with a real redux app with all the various ways this can be used and best practices, Esp async stuff.
My use case is that I'm trying to understand a code…
#### This issue pertains to the following package(s):
- [ ] GraphQL Playground - Electron App
- [ ] GraphQL Playground HTML
- [x] GraphQL Playground
- [ ] GraphQL Playground Express Middleware