Animation which rotates node does not seems to be working. For many thetas it
does not perform rotation, but it scales instead.
This code should rotate an node, but it causes pulsation (scale) in…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
scale animations are not handled properly if more than one channel
is animated at the same time
fix: at line 569 of DAE.as add:
Ik ga een scroll-driven animatie ontwerpen en bouwen voor de website van opdrachtgever. Hiervoor ga ik aan de slag in aparte branch alisa-scroll-driven-animation.
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Animation which rotates node does not seems to be working. For many thetas it
does not perform rotation, but it scales instead.
This code should rotate an node, but it causes pulsation (scale) in…
Provides an example with the scroll animation here *not using a marquee element sadly* as the screen size increases the animation gets progressively choppier, the underlying CSS for this is a 15 secon…
### Already reported ? *
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### Regression?
### System Info and Version
System/Version info
Hyprland, built from branch at c…
Animation which rotates node does not seems to be working. For many thetas it
does not perform rotation, but it scales instead.
This code should rotate an node, but it causes pulsation (scale) in…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
scale animations are not handled properly if more than one channel
is animated at the same time
fix: at line 569 of DAE.as add:
### Describe the project you are working on
Various projects involving dynamically building animation sequences, such as for UI
### Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project