From rms-julian created by [rfrenchseti](https://github.com/rfrenchseti): SETI/rms-julian#3
2023-11-16 10:47:51.383753 | oops.backplane.gold_master | ERROR | sky | Value mismatch: …
## Describe the behaviour you'd like
To have a Gitpod logo in `.gitpod.yml` file icon like all other products have (imgs below)
Maybe not as the default contract, but maybe an interesting optional approach?
Nome: Thiago da Silva Barradas
E-mail: th.barradas@gmail.com
Título: Elasticsearch: O poder das buscas full-text
URL: http://seti.ufla.br/programacao.html | https://i.imgur.com/UeCd4ey.png
Data: 2…
The 'save' command is part of the Standard Suite, so should be recognised and styled like other commands (ie 'quit').
UPDATE: I notice that 'document' isn't styled either, so it may be a problem with…
When using Dark Atom Syntax, the gutter width is 49px; with Seti Syntax it's 43px.
When there is a line with `.git-line-added`, the `.icon-right` div gets cut (see screenshot).
I have been unable to p…
privet. gde mozhno pochitat' instruktsiyu po rabote? VIDEO V SETI OTLICHAYUTSYA OT FAYLOV SKACHANYKH PO SSYLKE, KOTORYA IDET SYUDA
Hey. Where can I read the instructions for work? VIDEO O…
1. Open two panes, each contains one tab.
2. Try to move one of tabs to other pane; it supposed to just close pane, that will be empty, but I got exception instead.
**Atom Version**: 0.186.0
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
1. ...
2. ...
**Atom**: 1.17.2 x64
**Electron**: 1.3.15
**OS**: Mac OS X 10.12.5
**Thrown From**: [open-files](https://github.com/oriolmirosa/open-files) package …
From pds-opus created by [rfrenchseti](https://github.com/rfrenchseti): SETI/pds-opus#472
There is a document available as part of Cassini EOM that maps human-readable text with Cassini observation…