**Issue by [syclik](https://github.com/syclik)**
_Wednesday Feb 28, 2018 at 14:35 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/stan-dev/stan/issues/2478_
#### Summary:
A valid Stan program…
Hello Dr. Clayson,
I am interested in conducting dependability estimates on my data. I have formatted my data correctly and have downloaded the most recent dependents you list in the user manual fo…
A lot of Bayesian modeling can be done in BUGS, JAGS and STAN model language. These specifications readily lends themselves to be represented as a graph and in many cases as a DAG. I would love to see…
I've got a model with lots of optional variables but SBC throws an error when I try to plot their ranks. Here's a reproducible example with the following Stan program called `test.stan`.
When running `Prophet().fit()` on a Mac (Monterey `12.5.1`, Apple M1 Max Chip), I get the following error message:
cmdstanpy - ERROR - Chain [1] error: terminated by signal 6 Unknown error: -6…
#### Summary:
CmdStan fails to compile models on IBM Power-9 systems.
This issue was previously discussed in the following Stan discourse post, [https://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/error-running-cmdst…
There are 5 case studies in the book "Bayesian Statistics and Marketing" by Peter Rossi and Robert McCulloch. However, the accompanied R code uses "bayesm" package and it is difficult to understand an…
In order to avoid pathologies associated with particular numerical methods:
1. Use analytic solutions for von Bertalanffy, power-law (log transformed)
2. Use the inbuilt stiff solver for Canham
First, we set up the data:
I downloaded all the materials for stan runing, my stata version is 14.2, following are the code I run based on the stata help page.
// Bernoulli example:
// make your data
set obs 10