`getEPSGCode("+proj=utm +zone=16 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs")` returns
32616, but should be 26916
## Story
As a web app/site product developer/manager
I want to keep track of the source of visitors
So that I know how people are discovering the app/site.
The way we will achieve this is us…
The canonical URL finding might help here, but not every page has that. UTM parameters are ugly cruft (though hidden in our HTML email), and fairly simply to detect.
Is it possible to get the UTM details that the sdk tracks and passes on.
Basically, I need to get the UTM details in my app to understand which campaign the install came from and show content based …
Windows XP SP3 works fine with UTM 4.5.4, with any versions above (yup that's still beta), networking is not working.
I'd like to report that in version 1.45.0 (FF build), the Solana wallet is stuck loading.
Installed from [Firefox Addons](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/enkrypt/?utm_source=ad…
**Taken at**: https://gov.tools/connected/drep_directory
- Add a comment: Hi, I am a DRep. When I sort DReps by voting power, normally I see myself first (which makes sense for visibility…
I am generating FDS code from a digital terrain map (UTM 10 N) using the :
processing.run("Export to NIST FDS:Export terrain", {
'chid': CHID,
'fds_path': OUTPUT_PATH,
It doesn’t support deep linking to the selected UTM metric type (Source/Medium vs Campaign/Source/Medium).