log every action to database
Why don't we replace this function with a custom NuGrid Style sheet so all the plots are by default both consistent and publication ready (There could even be different sheets for posters, presentatio…
Your app looks great, how about posting a short description with a link to the app at the following Facebook group:
or here:
There are three autotest in residential that are failing asserts. test_clotheswasher.glm, test_range.glm, and test_Refrigerator.glm are all tests of the generic state-space models of said appliances. …
While the script is working as intended thus far the performance may become a concern to its viability. With this issue we will seek out ways to improve the speed.
As announced by @amberleahey at https://groups.google.com/g/dataverse-community/c/po26Isl2l2g/m/bzW_7wcXAgAJ [University of Victoria Dataverse](https://borealisdata.ca/dataverse/uvic) has been certifi…
I'm using the bleeding-edge version of the Oxygen plugin, and when I transform an ODD file to create XHTML documentation, customizations are being dropped from the process. For instance, when this app…
Membuat Utility Scanner yang Terintegrasi dengan AlisJK
1. Ketika scan, gambar hasil scan langsung disimpan di server, dan diproses.
2. Nomor peserta langsung diambil, dan diproses : jika hadir, c…
The controller class has the following two parameters
They ca…
The controller class has the following two parameters
They ca…