**Reporter: jlacroix**
**Date: 2004/07/12 - 23:09**
When specifying a filter in a WFS query that is a polygon, the tolerance of the
server layer apply on the filter. With a round or rectangular q…
**Reporter: jlacroix**
**Date: 2004/11/08 - 22:09**
The WFS client read the GML returned by a GetFeature. It use OGR to read it.
Since we do not pass a schema with the GML, OGR try to build its o…
the error occurs when the plugin is chained downstream of v.in.wfs.
The idea is to save wfs layers to sql server.
The following error is thrown from SQL
Error encountered…
I'm getting an validation error for this WFS service:
test WFS with ArcGIS Pro and Arbutus
I QGIS 3.36 tilføjer jeg Bygninger udstillet som WFS:
Efter lang tid bliver laget tilf…
I have set up a WFS-Transaction server with deegree 3.3.14 (SQL Feature store, WFS 2.0.0).
A wfs:Update on a datatype with multiplicity 0..\* adds a new node (a new row in the database in the table ad…
**Reporter: assefa**
**Date: 2004/10/22 - 15:54**
e-mail from ulrich.rothstein@ccgis.de
I've tested the following request:
**Reporter: cjohnson@refractions.net**
**Date: 2006/02/22 - 20:52**
Presently, When one specifies wfs_maxfeatures = 0, it is essentially ignored,
and all features are returned with a WFS GetFeatu…
Asked by Daniel