Should/could include:
* Project title
* Pretty picture
* Keywords (topics/technologies)
* Group/academic unit
* Quote from PI
* Short summary
* Longer description (for display on click throug…
--> https://github.com/tlienart/ft-academic-resume
I analyzed the published data set, the number of static edges is only 714470, which is inconsistent with the paper, is it different from the used dataset in the paper?
Any chance you could add support for
google-scholar, arxiv, orcid, researchgate, mendeley
icons from: https://jpswalsh.github.io/academicons/ ?
## Why?
@tonyheadford highlighted how the induction start date from ABs might impact the ECT at school date.
We should think about how this would work. Whilst in theory they can be different, if they…
We should reconsider whether the specific sections of impact of, and reuse of, data and code, make sense to keep separately in the Reproducibility section. At the moment, they are very similar to exis…
# Story
As a SiteNow editor, I can create a menu containing all of the anchor links on a single page so that users can quickly jump to exact anchor IDs on the page without scrolling while having a co…
For a student who scores 0 marks, such as in cases of academic dishonesty. The displ…
[Analysis of blockchain smart contracts: Techniques and insights](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9230065/)
IEEE SecDev 2020
# Aim
Create a scraper that retrieves research papers from lesser-known academic databases or repositories. This can be valuable for researchers and students who want to explore scholarly articles …