=============== Full stacktrace follows: ===============
Caused by java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to init broadcaster: application context is probably not web application context!: Failed to init …
ERROR 2019-01-09 17:57:13,580 6509 [Ingest.dmw-1] IndexSrv: Error occurred during persist
org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute batch
at org.hibernate.exception.inter…
I'm using Apache Camel with MQTT to fetch data from a Mosquitto broker. Data are published there at high
frequency (< 10s) by serveral devices. After receiving the data, I send an acknowlege message b…
Please see:
**In what katacoda scenario did this bug occur?**
Serverless Camel K
**At what step of the scenario did this happen?**
Step 2: Running the API integration
**Describe the bug**
After creating …
Hey all.
We're currently using schemas stored in AWS Glue and have tried to use the RabbitMQ Camel KafkaConnector. Seems to work pretty good but when trying to configure it with Avro value converter,…
When trying Couchbase with the given configuration, the connector fails complaining that the URL format is invalid:
```2020-10-22 14:08:06,300 [SinkConnector-0] ERROR org.apache.camel.processor.er…
I've implemented a custom exceptionHandler for experimenting purpose like below (which is pretty much the same with the LoggingExceptionHandler except I'm using System.out.println() and I've added a p…
Running io.rhiot.cloudplatform.camel.openalpr.OpenalprProducerIntegrationTest
21:22:36.026 [main] INFO i.r.c.c.o.OpenalprProducerIntegrationTest - ************************************************…