W kolejnym etapie należy rozbudować projekt:
1. w treningu powinny być 3 etapy: trening, walidacja i testowanie (dane odpowiednio podzielone)
2. dodać kilka modeli i przygotować ustawienia eksperymen…
Currently optparse is used and deprecated and stopped developing since 2011.
Also the options should be moved to a `dict`, it is a hassle to work with `optparse.Values` in third-party software.
I didn't want to pollute the PR discussion of #10 further, so I'll ask this way:
Considering that the API/argument structure will probably grow in complexity, have you considered using [argparse](htt…
We are using argparse syntax to define an option as required - is th…
while `getopt` works, it is quite rough and requires careful argument passing from the user (e.g. all the options must be provided before names of tests to run)
when dropping py2.6 support, we shou…
This link https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/16708 says that pl.Trainer.add_argparse_args is now removed. I am curious how to fix line 785 in V2W-BERT-Pretraining.ipynb?
This is required for adding ts_mon to any client code, since ts_mon uses argparse and adds / expects its own set of arguments.
This shouldn't block the GAE portion of the instrumentation.
ghost updated
5 months ago
BPO | [11708](https://bugs.python.org/issue11708)
--- | :---
Nosy | @pwil3058, @akheron
Files | [regroup.patch](https://bugs.python.org/file35034/regroup.patch "Uploaded as text/plain at 2014-04-25.05…
I'm using BackInTime V1.4.1-3.2 (openSuSe).
Since I'm not in front of the computer, I'm checking the Backup via SSH / console.
Finding, that the last backup happend back in mid february, I wa…