it has been down for at least two weeks.
Can you guys do that?
As well as receiving, as publishing.
I've attached a rip from another project, flightgear bugs. Its gets an atom
feed from a google project issues list. your looking at one and this very
issues list.
I was using this to show a li…
Switch to a parser that better facilitates ATOM feeds (if it becomes a major issue)
*Use Feedparser*
This would be a useful addition to email announcements.
Hey there,
I cannot add your Atom feed to my feedreader, as is is rejected as invalid. The found errors in https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.doctrine-project.org%2Fatom.…
Version: Deno 1.46.3
I have a problem when fetching this URL.
> await (await fetch("http://www.astroarts.co.jp/article/feed.atom")).text…
1. Der Atom-Feed soll umbenannt werden, da dies kein üblicher Begriff ist.
Vorschlag: RSS Feed
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