Hi there! Firstly, thank you for producing and maintaining this package! It's an excellent resource.
I'm currently conducting some research and would like to make use of your implementation of the …
> library(devtools)
> install_github("insongkim/PanelMatch", dependencies=TRUE)
Downloading GitHub repo insongkim/PanelMatch@master
Installing 21 packages: CBPS, DataCombine, evaluate, foreach, glm…
> Package ‘CBPS’ was removed from the CRAN repository.
> Formerly available versions can be obtained from the archive.
> Archived …
This was notified by **Prof Brian Ripley** through email:
> This concerns packages
> CBPS ExtDist GGIR RInSp RSQLite drtmle expss gamlss.inf lakemorpho lhs partitionComparison pre recipes tabl…
"@adamrauh Hi
I would greatly appreciate if you could answer this question: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/388968/how-to-do-psm-with-panel-data-using-panelmatch
Thanks in advance.
I have constructed CBPS object using `CBPS(.... , sample.weights=mydata$myweight)`. Afterward, cobalt's `bal.tab()` function gives odd results. For example, the means from `bal.tab()` don't match th…
I heard from users who tried to call `fullmatch` on a [CBPS](https://cran.r-project.org/package=CBPS) (Covariate Balancing Propensity Score, a la Imai and Ratcovic [2014]). They found it feasible, bu…
From @jefunes on https://github.com/IQSS/Zelig/issues/220:
I am trying to obtain `att.ev` from sim output but i keep getting an error, please see code below:
Hi. This work CBP is very good at recognition and VQA on the papers.
The idea of feature learning by two-stream and merge them into one should be a general method.
However, I test CBP on local feature…
I've compressed all dds images from CP using dxt1 compression with 1 bit alpha. For some files dxt5 compression with proper alpha was used to keep image quality.