I'm tasked with making our CORDEX (Ouranos MRCC5) data publishable. Hourly files at NAM-11 are, of course, quite large. Opening a single year of tas, I get an array of shape (8759, 628, 655), w…
The climate_explorer tries to load 'data/cordex_krummh.nc' for the regional aggregation of Krummhörn.
This file is not available in the data folder.
Actually this data seems NOT to be used in foll…
NAM-22 and SEA-22
Some datasets for c3s-cordex are failing on get_bbox: https://github.com/roocs/catalog-maker/blob/4ba705a29f4133ec2f1cf1cbefc04ce4d31912f1/catalog_maker/catalog.py#L49-L67
with the error `Attribute…
In [data-request-fpsurbrcc.csv](https://github.com/impetus4change/T32-CPRCM/blob/main/data-request-fpsurbrcc.csv), the *daily* temperature maxima and minima are requested at *hourly* frequency which d…
Add an ESGF subpage under https://acdguide.github.io/Governance/publish/publish-options.html
Describing the process for preparing data for publication to ESGF and the steps involved (ES-DOC for CMIP6…
From a discussion in Mattermost:
> @ClaasTeichmann wrote:
> Lars, Pia and I just discussed a bit the model output and its CMORization. We were wandering if the urban specific variables follow alre…
There are cities in our selection with the same name in different countries (e.g. London in UK and in Canada). We need to handle this in the notebooks.
### label
### label_extended
regional Earth system model of IPSL
### source_id
### source_type
### release_year
### activity_participation
### institution_id…