### What's needed?
### Proposed solution
Remove `--platform=${TARGETPLATFORM}`
Create a docker file that builds the website so we can run it on our on-premise servers. An image needs to be published to the docker hub.
Similar to a few other users I am unable to get the Python containers to build with the latest SST (v3.3.22) but it does work with (v3.2.55).
Seems to be caused by #4967
Dockerfile: no such…
- 执行 docker build -t ubase:v1 -f ubuntu-base-ci.DockerFile .
- 报错信息如下
`Sending build context to Docker daemon 44.54 kB
Step 1/12 : FROM ubuntu:jammy
Trying to pull repository docker.io/library/ubu…
Would be very useful to have scratch container images with the binaries included in them.
An excellent use case is Alpine linux: it does not ship with an envsubst. A Docker image would allow copyin…
Add dockerFiles and docker compose to run :
- All python app (actually document_parser_llm/)
- ollama with llm preload
- chromadb
Auto cofigure connectionsion
Can dockerfile be added to this project for local testing and development along with Coupon Aggregator Client.
According to the AWS documentation on this [page](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/ruby-image.html) , I expected to see instructions within the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/aws/aws-lamb…
### 📜 Description
# Stage 1 - Create yarn install skeleton layer
FROM node:18-bookworm-slim AS packages
COPY .yarn ./.yarn
Add Dockerfile for easier deployment.