During the biohackathon we finalized how we will handle country specific tools. Some of these country specific tools were moved to their designated country pages, including Finland. These pages now ex…
I Login as admin, albert.einstein@example.com
I add a resource CovidDataset as child of Catalog, as shown below:
We will want to tell the user that we are spending on gas for them We can aggregated the gas costs and display them for each of these categories:
- [x] recipient (To be displayed in the profile pag…
I got 404 on http://www.tuni.fi/vga/bmfr. Could you please tell me the new website of the dataset?
Put together a list of all ETH accounts that have donated to Giveth on Giveth 1, Gitcoin, and to the Giveth multisig (revolution.eth)
/Users/munchdevs/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-14.0.2/Contents/Home/bin/java -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=/Users/munchdevs/Documents/FAIR/FAIRDataPoint "-Dmaven.home=/Applications/In…
For a POC i first deployed your "local installation" on my laptor on Windows 10. This works and stays up.
For a workshop i deployed the same configuration on a Redhat Enterprise Linux server for inte…
@Chris-Evelo, Tim wrote this after lunch about ELIXIR AAI:
basically I need an endpoint such as https://login.elixir-czech.org/oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration
(mentioned here: https://d…
egonw updated
4 years ago
would be good if participants in all nordic countries can get a useful pointer to services they can use
As we have all functionality previously supported by dmp.fairdata.solutions, we should stop the old wizard. Somewhere are still the old URLs (for example, in the book) which should be operational and …