Final projects are due **December 15th**. To submit your projects, **comment** on this issue with:
1. A link to the repo your final project code lives in
2. (if applicable) the live link to the si…
Hey Alondra,
Great job on your final project! It looks like you made some big progress. The PCA result is really interesting!
You do not need to turn in anything more, but I just uploaded an edited…
I've been unable to download the file for the final project. If you've been able to download, please forward to edomyke@gmail.com. Thanks.
When I run the template document as is using the Phoenix dorling, there are errors in the NH Change 2000-2010 tab for both the Median Home Values (Error: [object Object]) and Variabl…
Hi Omer, I've added a link to my final project and will like to get your input. https://github.com/roisiegelman/NSD1-in-Breast-Cancer
Assign a Video Project Editor for the team
For non-graduating students:
The final project instructions state that your project is due when you have your final exam. If you are unable to meet that deadline, then a late submission will be po…