We've spotted a mistake in GPAW-20.1.0-Add-Easybuild-configuration-files.patch which is only apparent if you are doing a foss build of GPAW and add ELPA. Line 27 of https://github.com/easybuild…
Hi Hamish
I was trying to run the tutorial / example HR-TEM notebook.
I have, however, run into some problems. Not sure if this has anything to do with me lacking the FAC or some other issues.
Charge density calculations must be changed to work with Bader analysis and better compatibility with Vesta. The tutorial at https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw/tutorialsexercises/wavefunctions/charge/char…
### Your Name
### Andrew ID
### Where it Happened
all cpu nodes, one of them is on f010, job id = 243021 (failed now)
### What Happened?
I tried to run quantum-espresso jobs on …
It seem that the correct formula is
Ω = F+(N-N0)*U
F = E(DFT) + (N0 - N)* FERMI_SHIFT
where N is the number of electrons of charged system, N0 is the number of electrons of neutral system. U is th…
After 7918019758b0504a8571fcf8b46aa6118656251f or somewhere near, code is not working anymore with calling gpaw as:
gpaw -P5 python gpawsolve.py -o -c config.py -i inputfile.cif
but working …
OK. As LRG, `gpaw-tools` meets our expectations with its current case. As a previous user of ATK2017, we mostly used force-field calculations for our pre-calculations and we are mostly interested in e…
If you notice a performance issue on arjuna, please first search the existing issues and ensure that it has not been reported. If you notice a similar example, please comment on that issue.
If you notice a performance issue on arjuna, please first search the existing issues and ensure that it has not been reported. If you notice a similar example, please comment on that issue.
If you notice a performance issue on arjuna, please first search the existing issues and ensure that it has not been reported. If you notice a similar example, please comment on that issue.