### What did you expect to happen?
Both GUI and emacsclient should have the same color applied for the cursor column highlight, or cursor color in general. When using the doom solarized light and sol…
I updated the Gruvbox Material Dark theme, and hand edited all the colors in the ron file to be based on the Gruvbox Material Palette. Not sure how to verify all of those, but at least they are based …
It would be great if themes in this repo would also set `vim.o.background`, which is used by some plugins.
For example, https://github.com/nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons, use this variable to select d…
I worked with [semshi](https://github.com/numirias/semshi), a very well python syntax plugin for NeoVim.
Sadly, it only had non-gruvbox predefined colors.
However this config makes it much more be…
mrdgo updated
2 years ago
According to https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/wiki/Terminal-specific , one of the methods to get urxvt256 to load the correct colors in terminal vim is to include the colors in my .Xresources and so…
It's some kind of Github caching issue, as the problem doesn't appear in Firefox or Safari. I did disable all extensions first, and I'm pretty sure I've noticed this from two different machines.
There are several themes that set the desktop background to a solid color:
>> ack xsetroot
36:exec_always --no-startup-id xsetroot -solid '$baseA2'
Since themes are now isolated, we hope that adding a new theme should be easier for a contributor!
Please review our existing theme documentation and theme source files in `zulipterminal/themes/`
Would you please add an extra theme and explain how one can add new theme to tiddlywiki-reveal.js
I've been thinking about everforest having a domain name like [Nord](https://www.nordtheme.com/) or [Dracula](https://draculatheme.com/) has. It would be really nice to have a website to present peopl…