There seems to be a problem with OpFromGraph when the user's gradient function uses a variable which doesn't belong to the main graph. Here's a minimal sample to recreate the bug:
import thean…
# Failing Tests
> Please see the failing tests divided into sections below. Click on each section to expand. Feel free to get assigned to an issue by following the instructions [here](https://unify.ai…
### Metadata
Authors: Stanislau Semeniuta, Aliaksei Severyn, Sylvain Gelly
Organization: Google AI
Conference: NIPS 2018
Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.04936.pdf
**Paper**: Local Competition and Stochasticity for Adversarial Robustness in Deep Learning (http://proceedings.mlr.press/v130/panousis21a)
**Venue**: International Conference on Artificial Intellig…
# Failing Tests
> Please see the failing tests divided into sections below. Click on each section to expand. Feel free to get assigned to an issue by following the instructions [here](https://unify.ai…
## Problem
In a Mixture of Experts (MoE) LLM, the gating network outputs a categorical distribution of $n$ values (chosen from $n_{max}$), which is then used to create a convex combination of the $n$…
# Failing Tests
> Please see the failing tests divided into sections below. Click on each section to expand. Feel free to get assigned to an issue by following the instructions [here](https://unify.ai…
I have trained DiscreteVEE on 128x128 [FFHQ dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/greatgamedota/ffhq-face-data-set). using this configration:
vae = DiscreteVAE(
num_layers = 2,
num_tokens = …
Currently, PyTorch C++ API is missing many `torch::nn` layers that are available in the Python API. As part of the Python/C++ API parity work, we would like to add the following `torch::nn` modules an…
Hello, I need to make SacAgent work with discrete action, so try to implement GumbelSoftmax parameterization trick by re-defining the relevant classes. However, the calculation of `agent.train(experie…