I'm just wondering if there is an example of using the current version of this package with the geographic method? If I try to add Haversine distance to my compare object, something like
Is there any exmaple of how to calculate the distance from markers around the center to the center?
Do you have any code snippet or example, that would be super great!
Just want to know if I have created Hooks and I get the exit notifications like this
`{'detect': 'exit', 'group': '5c5046da4ec8885ee87c9f15', 'fields': {'eventTime': 1547642987, 's': 54}, 'object'…
Came across this while working through some issues on my projects -- re you distance calculation, if you are trying to specify line of sight distance then you should use a different method. Best is t…
I stumpled on this while trying to implement the Haversine formula for a distance calculator. Looking at the source, it look…
2019-04-15 16:38:41 BetterPushback[acf_outline.c:198]: Error parsing acf file: property _wing/13/_Croot not found
2019-04-15 16:38:41 BetterPushback[acf_outline.c:198]: Error parsing acf file: proper…
At Ben's request we need to pass in parameters (optional) and sort the output based on distance from lon/lat...
Might be one for hacknight?
Hello Alice,
great work with your modified RBF kernel and awesome articel on medium.com. Helped me a lot to get into the gaussian regression as i need it.
But i just stumbled over an feature/iss…
The idea is to make a visualization of driving time/distance compared to the actual ditance measured in the map. Original ideas were:
* in / out country
* city vs city (walk/bike/car)
* finding a mi…
Receive and send waypoint information via NMEA
* [ ] Reception
* [ ] Store received waypoint data in a meaningful way
* [ ] Make sure, data can be displayed on the map, perhaps even automatically…