- [x] add x-frame option for https://princeton.libwizard.com/ on library-staging config file (see [library-staging.conf](https://github.com/pulibrary/princeton_ansible/blob/main/roles/nginxplus/files/…
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Main_Page
- https://query.wikidata.org/
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q43649390
- Inspiração
- https://github.com/HXL-CPLP/forum/issues/34#issuecomment…
This issue serves as place to note candidate projects (via url), which might be added to the list.
Update (2022-01-29): I initially planned to use this issue as a public place to note down candidat…
#### Ehdotuksen tyyppi
Muutos olemassa olevaan käsitteeseen
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#### Ehdotettu muutos
Entered from Google Doc
Hi, I'm writing this on behalf of the National Agricultural Library (NAL). They are currently developing templates for articles using BF via the Ex Libris BF project. They would like to be able to ide…
Please pull out the commands we are using in our availability queries from the Alma API (put together the full URL we are using for these queries). We want to pass these on to Ex Libris.
When we try to create requests in bulk we are receiving a "no items can fulfill the submitted request" error message. When I test creating requests manually for these items in Alma, the request are cr…
Whenever you encounter a query that you think should work (according to the SPARQL 1.1 standard) but throws an error message or gives an unexpected result, please post it here. Please check whether a …