With https://github.com/hbz/lobid-resources/pull/1031, all bigger regions (NRW itself, Rheinland, Westfalen etc.) will also have geo coordinates. We have to at least adjust the geo-based queries on th…
using ``
@felixlohmeier requested via email a way to query `describedBy.dateModified` and to also get the last modification date of data from EntityFacts. One option would be
1. to make `describedBy` an ar…
We shall compare [context.jsonld](https://github.com/hbz/lobid-resources/blob/master/web/conf/context.jsonld) AND [/index-config.json](https://github.com/hbz/lobid-resources/blob/master/src/main/resou…
Play's `Promise` is memory leaking under certain circumstances. This in conjunction with delivering loads of data (> 1GB, see #176). It's an other issue as the one described [here](https://stackoverfl…
Geht zurück auf eine Diskussion im OERSI-Kontext: https://gitlab.com/oersi/oersi-setup/-/issues/29. Um die offene Lizenzierung (CC0) von OER-Metadaten als gängige Praxis zu etablieren sollte das Prof…
See https://jira.hbz-nrw.de/browse/RPB-37
Whenever `FileMap` encounters a missing file (or the file cannot be read for other reasons) during access to the map (`get()` or `keySet()`), an [exception is thrown](https://github.com/metafacture/me…
A fix transfomation in one file is faster and needs less storage when executed than a fix transformation that is distributed over multiple files and combined via `include`-functions.
On 08.05.23 17:20, I.N. wrote:
> Bei der Zeitschrift „Rheininform“ wird die Online-Ausgabe doppelt angezeigt. Die MMS-ID 990192163630206441 enthält das Feld 960 mit der Kennung „NWBib-Zeitschrift“, d…