I'm following [this](https://zipcpu.com/zipcpu/2018/01/31/cpu-build.html) tutorial to build ZipCPU. After installing Verilator from source and the dependencies to build this project, I'm getting an er…
The CPU reset button on the Nexys Video does not work _until_ the spiflash tools was used. It seems the initial GPIO state of `jtag_srst_n` is driven to 0? As suggested in #1159 this is probably solve…
The CW310 board doesn't currently provide software debugging support through GDB, as the Nexys Video board did. Implement that.
I'm running into a strange issue where LiteDRAM fails to initialize the
memory, but only when I pick a specific *variant* of my (rocket) CPU:
Hi Adam (@amb5l),
it's been a while - 1 year I guess :-) I trust you are well.
I know that you already have the Tyto2 project - but since we (MEGA65, MiSTer2MEGA65 framework) are still using you…
Hi All
I would like to test the UART/SPI/I2C of Earl Grey. I noticed there are PMOD and FMC on the Nexys Video FPGA baord. Can I connect two nexys video FPGA through PMOD and test the UART/SPI/I2C wi…
Is there a tutorial for building NaxRIscv with FPU enabled? Thanks!
On #15 Openocd is not working. So, is there any way to run an elf file on nexys video?
I am trying to run gemmini on the fpga board and considering to purchase KC705 board to run on it. Do you think it is a good alternative instead of purchasing VC707 board?
hi, I'm trying to run a Gemmini on Nexys-video,because of the timing violations, I set clock_out_1 to 10MHz, and Linux cannot boot, I try a lot method, but they didn't work.
Is there some efficient w…