Thanks for new update in personal_info section,
I found out that the attribute 'certifications' return empty list []
Test url: `https://www.linkedin.com/in/an-nguyen-9b3248122/`
Предлагаю добавить поле для подзаголовка. По ГОСТу он следует после title и media через двоеточие.
Priority term to be represented in the SDGIO
7.3.1: Rate of improvement in energy intensity (%), measured in terms of primary energy and GDP
mu capture的问题
加入其他种类粒子的fast time constant, slow time constant
# Citation information
"NMMA": {
"tags": [
"logo": "img/NMMA.svg",
"language": "Python",
"category": "Parame…
Summary of request: Modify the information in an existing ROR record
Name of organization: Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e di Struttura della Materia
ROR ID: https://ror.org/02wdzfm91
Summary of request: Modify the information in an existing ROR record
Name of organization: Laboratorio di Tecniche Nucleari per i Beni Culturali
ROR ID: https://ror.org/01jkemy20
Which part o…
We should check again if they added the possibility to suppress these printouts in recent G4 versions:
SynRad: Incoherent Synchrotron Radiation
Good description for long magnets at all energie…
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
import netCDF4
#assumes you have some file named history.nc
history = netCDF4.Dataset('history.nc', 'r', format='NETCDF4')
x = history.variables['x'][:…
root@DESKTOP-9038P3Q:/home/mdurkee/work/ScatteringRadiation-master/build# ./run_beam
Creating output file output_10micron_1e4events.root
mdurk updated
2 years ago