En la sección de línea de tiempo, sugeriría además de indicar el artículo, darle un nombre al artículo de que se trate (por ejemplo, en lugar de "artículo 7º", pondría: "artículo 7º: principio de lega…
### Environment
* Elixir version (`elixir -v`):
$ elixir -v
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]
Elixir 1.9.0 (compiled with Erlang…
Reunión final Sprint 7
In Spanish, the 1st (`primero`) and 3rd (`tercero`) masculine ordinals lose their final vowel when they act as ordinal determinants (before a noun), e.g. `el primer lugar` (_the first place_). The cur…
To better move data to/from cores, and to feed accelerators, create an instruction which does no computation, but moves the A/B data to two D destinations.
Split the D operand into two 6-bit fields, …
I'm trying to evaluate a PocketBeagle (rev A2) for use in an instrumentation class I'm teaching this Spring, however, the one I have refuses to boot. I just purchased it from Arrow, and the microSD c…
Order into a fields construct and add description and field type info there
Add the option of a PC stack in the Controller, and of Data stacks in A and B Memories to support real, re-entrant subroutines.
Open question: use MLABs or M9Ks for stacks?
I haven't found a way to do such thing but I have rewrite benchmarks for octavo to Criterion and I am testing functions using 2 dimensions:
- hash function
- input size
I would like to display …
I need a way to provide a local repository for our users (because they cannot connect the online repositories).
-"Local package repository (file system)" does not allow to choose a network path so …