Case 1:
A .net core 3.1 app, where I use ESCPOS_NET
Printer is accessible on an IP address
Create a new instance of network printer.
Start monitoring.
Unplug it by pulling the LAN cable or shutti…
RobNL updated
3 years ago
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe:**
This is not related to a problem, but to a larger area of MyPlace controls that currently cannot be utilised with this plug-in.
This is a great feature from the 'low latency' Mumble audio protocol developed for gamers to communicate while 'in game' and moving around as a platoon shooting the enemy. The player spoke from a posi…
I had a pretty big problem yesterday with the tracker :
I played a while with it then I turned it off.
When I came back to my office yesterday night, the tracker was turned on and had downg…
ROM72 updated
3 years ago
Jamulus started as a fun project several years ago to enable online band rehearsals for small groups of musicians. Since the pandemic the focus of this project has changed. We now have a lot more acti…
# Part II Chapter 9: Accessibility
![Accessibility illustration](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HTTPArchive/almanac.httparchive.org/main/src/static/images/2019/accessibility/hero_lg.jpg)
If y…
Google for "rehearse online"
**Expected behavior**
Jamulus homepage ranks at least on the first page of google.
I sing a lot of early music, in which the soprano and alto parts and the tenor and bass parts are not always sung by women and men respectively, particularly the alto and tenor parts. The current rat…
The meeting will take place on Monday 2021/03/15 at 7pm UTC on IRC [#lightning-dev](irc://chat.freenode.net/lightning-dev). It is open to the public.
## Pull Request Review
- [x] Closing fee req…