Thanks for creating this good control.
I'm going to use this control in UIPageViewController, but I can't set progress as float since UIPageViewController have no percentage of animation.
Please let …
As I start to use Noteself more, I've realized it would be handy to have a "Delete Local Database" button more readily available when connected to a remote CouchDB database so as to avoid leaving the …
ghost updated
4 years ago
- http://iosdevelopertips.com/user-interface/creating-circular-and-infinite-uiscrollviews.html
- https://adoptioncurve.net/archives/2013/07/building-a-circular-gallery-with-a-uicollectionview/
// ViewController.m
// AVCaptureSessionPOC
// Created by jyotisahu on 06/10/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 cdnsol. All rights reserved.
# import "ViewController.h"
# import "UIDevice-Hardware.…
ioshc updated
8 years ago
![screen shot 2015-10-16 at 3 46 23 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/15153965/10536370/08f6b230-741d-11e5-97f4-616531d32f98.png)
Could you please give an example in swift please? :(
## Bug report
### Describe the bug
Here is a clear and concise description of what the problem is:
If a plugin has `true` and a skin uses that plugin in a container where part of the pa…
I checked post by post and I made a general overview of all posts so far and I put this table to show what has already been proposed
This is without the descriptions of each control, because the tabl…
大佬 你好!
lazy var pageControl: JXPageControlExchange = {
let view = JXPageControlExchange.init(frame: CGRect.…