microsoft / xaml-standard

XAML Standard : a set of principles that drive XAML dialect alignment
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All the proposed controls so far #146

Open insinfo opened 7 years ago

insinfo commented 7 years ago

I checked post by post and I made a general overview of all posts so far and I put this table to show what has already been proposed This is without the descriptions of each control, because the table would be very large There must be something missing if you want to contribute. If you want to help align the table, I posted it in google driver and it's public to edit

Proposed for XAML Standard IOS Android WPF UWP Xamarin.Forms JqueryUI HTML5
1 Adorner ActionSheet AdapterViewFlipper Border AppBarButton AbsoluteLayout Accordion A
2 AlertDialog ActivityIndicator AdView Button AppBarSeparator ActivityIndicator Autocomplete Abbr
3 Border AlertView AppBarLayout Calendar AppBarToggleButton BoxView Button Acronym
4 Button Button AutoCompleteTextView Canvas AutoSuggestBox Button Checkboxradio Address
5 Canvas CollectionView Button CheckBox Border CardView  Controlgroup Applet
6 ChartControl DatePicker CalendarView ComboBox Button CarouselPage Datepicker Area
7 CollectionView ImageView CardView ContentControl CalendarDatePicker ContentPage Dialog B
8 ColorPicker Label CheckBox DataGrid CalendarView ContentPresenter Menu Base
9 ComboBox NavigationBar CheckedTextView DockPanel Canvas ContentView Progressbar Basefont
10 ConstraintLayout PageControl Chronometer DocumentViewer CaptureElement CustomCell  Selectmenu Big
11 ContextMenu PickerView CollapsingToolbarLayout Ellipse CheckBox DataView  Slider Blink
12 CSS ProgressView ConstraintLayout Expander ComboBox DatePicker Spinner Blockquote
13 DockControl ScrollView CoordinatorLayout Frame CommandBar DirectoryPage Tabs Body
14 DockPanel SearchBar DatePicker Grid ContentControl Editor Tooltip Br
15 Dropdown SegmentedControl EditText GridSplitter ContentPresenter Entry Button
16 DynamicGridGallery Slider ExpandableListView GrouoBox DatePicker EntryCell Caption
17 EasingStoryboard Stepper FloatingActionButton Image DatePickerFlayout Frame Center
18 Ellipse Switche Fragment Label Ellipse Grid Cite
19 Expander TabBar FrameLayout ListBox Flipview HeroImage  Code
20 Grid TableView GridLayout ListView Flyout Image Col
21 HamburgerMenu TextField GridLayout MediaElement Frame ImageCell Dd
22 Image TextView GridView Menu Grid ImageCell  Dfn
23 InteractiveCanvas Toolbar HorizontalScrollView PasswordBox GridView Label Dir
24 ItemsControl WebView ImageButton ProgressBar Hub ListDataPage  Div
25 Itemspanel ImageSwitcher RadioButton HubSection ListItem  Dl
26 KeyFramesStoryboard ImageView Rectangle HyperlinkButton ListView Dt
27 Listbox LinearLayout RichTextBox Image MasterDetailPage Em
28 Listview ListView ScrollBar InkCanvas NavigationPage Font
29 MediaElement MapFragment ScrollView InkToolBar OpenGLView Form
30 Menu MapView Separator ItemsControl PersonDetailPage  H1
31 MenuBar MultiAutoCompleteTextView Slider ItemsPresenter Picker H2
32 MenuItem NestedScrollView StackPanel ListBox ProgressBar H3
33 MessageBox NumberPicker StatusBar ListView RelativeLayout H4
34 NavigationBar ProgressBar TabControl MapControl ScrollView H5
35 NavigationDrawer QuickContactBadge TextBlock MediaElement SearchBar H6
36 NetworkView RadioButton TextBox MediaTransportControls Slider Head
37 Page RadioGroup ToolBar MenuFlyout StackLayout Hr
38 Passwordbox Ratingbar ToolBarPanel PasswordBox Stepper Html
39 Popup RecyclerView ToolBarTray Pivot Switch I
40 ProgressBar RelativeLayout TreeView PivotItem SwitchCell Img 
41 ProgressDialog requestFocus ViewBox Popup SwitchCell Input
42 ProgressRing ScrollView WebBrowser ProgressBar TabbedPage Isindex
43 RecyclerView SearchView WindowsFormsHost ProgressRing TableRoot Kbd
44 RelativePanel SeekBar WrapPanel RadioButton TableSection Li
45 RibbonControl Space Rectangle TableView Link
46 RichTextBox Spinner RelativePanel TemplatedPage Map
47 ScrollViewer StackView RepeatButton TemplatedView Marquee
48 SearchBar SurfaceView RichEditBox TextCell Menu
49 SideBar Switch RichTextBlock TextCell  Meta
50 Slider TabHost RichTextBlockOverflow TimePicker Ol
51 SplitView TabItem ScrollBar WebView Option
52 StackPanel TabLayout ScrollContentPresenter P
53 StoryBoardView TableLayout ScrollViewer Param
54 SVG TableRow SemanticZoom Pre
55 TabBar TabWidget Slider Q
56 TabControl TextClock SpliView Samp
57 TableView TextInputLayout StackPanel Script
58 TextBlock TextSwitcher TextBlock Select
59 TextBox TextureView TextBox Small
60 Tile TextView TimerPick Span
61 TileLayout TimePicker TimerPickFlyout Strikeout
62 TimelineView ToggleButton ToggleButton Strong
63 TimeSpanPicker Toolbar ToggleSwitch Style
64 TitleBar VideoView ToolTip Sub
65 Toast ViewAnimator UserControl Sup
66 ToggleSwitch ViewFlipper VariableSizedWrapGrid Table
67 Toolbar ViewSwitcher Viewbox Tbody
68 ToolTip WebView WebView Td
69 TreeView Textarea
70 UniformGrid Tfoot
71 UserControl Th
72 Viewbox Thead
73 VirtualizingStackPanel Title
74 WebView Tr
75 WindowControl Tt
76 WrapPanel U
77 ZoomBox Ul
78 Var
mrlacey commented 7 years ago

What's the point of this table? Where's the value in listing all the controls on each platform? Why the columns you have? If v1.0 explicitly aims for support by UWP and Xamarin.Forms, why not all the platforms now (or soon to be) supported by Xamarin.Forms? At the very least I'd have thought you'd put equivalent controls on the same row. There's also lots of things you've put in the XAML Standard column that I haven't seen proposals for. Adding links to each would be much more helpful. You've indicated that the first column is for XAML Standard 1.0 but it doesn't correspond with items marked for that milestone. You've even included items marked for v2.0.

insinfo commented 7 years ago

I created this table because it was a request in another post, and I did not have time to align the corresponding controls yet, if you want to help I posted the link just above, but all the items I posted in the column "Standard XAML" A general overview of all posts from this repository I have not added anything that is not in the post titles, for example "Add Control X and Y". I went into each post to do this, and I searched the internet (Site Xamarin ... and etc) and IDEs (Visual Studio, Android Studio etc) to build this table. I put the following columns in the Table: "Proposed for XAML Standard", "IOS", "Android", "WPF", "UWP","Xamarin.Forms","JqueryUI" and "HTML5"

rodrigoelp commented 7 years ago

I do not understand the point of this issue. When is it considered done or actioned?

mdtauk commented 7 years ago

The table would be more useful if the items in the columns were aligned, so you can see a Button control for V1.0, and see what the equivalent control is in the other frameworks that XAML hopes to work with.

bartlannoeye commented 7 years ago

It would be even more useful to turn it into a .md file as part of the documentation (after being aligned and ordered per version)

michael-hawker commented 7 years ago

I started trying to align the UWP controls in the doc. HamburgerMenu is now NavigationView, eh?

I think it'd be good to have a version column for planned standard milestone and links to each of the control definitions for the XAML Standard and the platform docs for the others.

MappingSteve commented 5 years ago

Standardizing cross-platform is a VERY hard problem. As a practical matter, it is impossible. Don't go down that road. Don't try to come up with a "universal" set of controls - no good answer will be reached. Instead, use Xamarin.Forms, which includes mechanisms for adapting to specific platform where necessary.