microsoft / xaml-standard

XAML Standard : a set of principles that drive XAML dialect alignment
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XAML Standard : a set of principles that drive XAML dialect alignment


03-JAN-2023: This repo is being archived. The focus of aligning the XAML dialect across a number of our XAML-based languages was our initial goal. We were unable to find a direct alignment with our product areas as we’d hoped. To that end, we are choosing to archive this repo. Our frameworks such as Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), WinAppSDK, and .NET MAUI are rich with features powerful for each use case and can leverage XAML declarative markup unique to their own scenarios and underlying platforms they serve. We will continue to evolve those frameworks as appropriate, enabling developers choosing those platforms for their apps to be most successful in their developer scenarios and targets.


Revised definition and scope:


As a first phase of alignment, we are making a set of additive updates to Windows 10 XAML and Xamarin.Forms. For example:

For the full list of aligned tags at this time, see here.

If you have further feedback on XAML alignment, please provide that on either the UWP XAML uservoice or the Xamarin.Forms community forums

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