Referencing @FramboisePi issue https://github.com/Paperback-iOS/app/issues/255 here as a reminder so it can be followed and closed when someone look into these inconsistencies.
The manga genres do not show under the description in Mangakakalot
i spent a long time wondering why "Group multiple disks" had no effects before i understand it just changes the way albums are displayed in the "artist" view.
> the disks are grouped only into the ar…
### Environment
1. Target Platform (e.g. iOS, Android): iOS
2. Development Operating System (e.g. macOS Sierra, Windows 10): macOS Sierra 10.12.6
3. Build tools (Xcode or Android Studio version, …
It seems that when the image path works within the rendered version GitHub, it is broken in the PDF and other versions.
See https://github.com/thoughtbot/ios-on-rails/commit/e050640ab57784454233f69fb…
the `paperback release` command sends book releases to S3 within the 'thoughtbot-books' bucket on S3. Within that bucket, it puts all of the releases into a directory named after the book (in my case…
Is syntax highlighting a planned feature for paperback?
Understandable if it isn't planned for 1.0, as it's a big feature.
Just wondering, since readers have requested it on iOS on Rails.
Running `paperback build` and `paperback release` both put the generated files into a directory with the name of the project (in my case, `ios_on_rails`).
This means that I then need to go in and mo…
I'd love to fix this myself, but you seem to have removed the option as your paperback gem is now private.
Anyway, the Chapters are not defined properly. I.e in the Kindle app with the .mobi version …
I executed 'bundle exec paperback build' but failed with this message.
``` ruby
No such file or directory - pandoc (Cocaine::CommandNotFoundError)
Anybody help?