Vizier has a very nice service called sed, where it returns the photometry for a given coordinate. It not exactly clear what catalogues it contain by default, but the goal here as usual, to get the sa…
I expected that aperture_photometry -- when fed data in units of MJy/sr and aperture radii in arc seconds -- would output in some units that integrate over area. Instead, the output is in MJy/sr.
Would it be possible to provide a code sample that shows how to load and preprocess the photometry data from the unconstrained behavior recordings, and especially how to align those data temporally wi…
Right now the PSF photometry machinery depends on doing CircularAperture photometry to make initial flux estimates. That makes sense for many use cases, but there are some situations where you don't …
Currently, [``_prepare_photometry_data``](https://github.com/astropy/photutils/blob/master/photutils/aperture/_photometry_utils.py#L66) or [``do_photometry``](https://github.com/astropy/photutils/blob…
In a new markdown file, following rough scheme in #399
_Issue [RCAL-897](https://jira.stsci.edu/browse/RCAL-897) was created on JIRA by [Nadia Dencheva](https://jira.stsci.edu/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=dencheva):_
Currently data arrays (excluding dq…
Hello there!
I'm trying to run through a sanity check by fitting a point source with a point source model, and the resulting residuals are asymmetric. How are xc and yc defined? Are they pixel cent…
Flagging of known solar-system objects (e.g. asteroids) passing through the pixels used for photometry.
Will create new flags both on pixel-level and in photometry quality.
To let the user know beforehand the units of the spectrum.