When executing `taskcluster api workerManager removeWorker ` on an Azure worker, it appears to only be removed after 10-30 minutes and during this time it still takes jobs.
On AWS per what I was told…
This document aims to guide users on deploying Azure OpenAI Service within a Docker container. The current documentation lacks a comprehensive, step-by-step guide for setting up Azu…
Hello All!
Having spent the past few days on trying to get the AS live, I have been jotting down various questions, suggestions & bugs which I think could be a great addition to the documentation a…
Is there a way to do so-called legacy completions?
- https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/text-generation/completions-api
- https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions/create
Would be great to have AI SQL completion. Something like https://www.dbpilot.io but plug in your own OpenAI keys.
We tried to do this as a product and it didn't work out and we open sourced the wh…
#### Environment details
Cloud Run with google-cloud-logging==3.9.0
#### Steps to reproduce
1. main.py from here: https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/quickstarts/jobs/build-create-python
### What happened?
Commands `kubectl completion zsh`, `kubectl config current-context`, `kubectl version` and many others are too slow because they are trying to connect to the server.
This is ver…
## タイトル: 自己蒸留を用いた教師なし点群レジストレーション
## リンク: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.07558
## 概要:
Hi! I have retrained your model on another dataset (derived from ShapeNet) on single categories, (i.e. for each class I train a separate model). I found that VRC has the same performances of ECG for s…
This issue was created at the request of @lidizheng on [a stackoverflow post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65945944/multi-thread-support-for-python-asyncio-grpc-clients).
### What version of…