I trained different default model configurations (mask_rcnn, cascade) with different backbones (swin, r50, x101) for a custom COCO formatted dataset. The dataset contains only one class with u…
My server does not have 8 GPUs. When I use 4 GPUs for training (without any modification to the network), I just change num-gpus to 4. After training, the segmentation accuracy is always 0.00. Do you …
unexpected key in source state_dict: fc.weight, fc.bias
E:\mmdetection\week2_mmdet\Week2_mmdet\mmdetection-2.11.0\mmdet\datasets\custom.py:154: UserWarning: CustomDataset does not support filtering…
In my parameter Settings, I annotated all the MASK part of HTC, at this time I saw that the program can be trained, and the RPN part used HTC module. Is this using the HTC module?
I'm trying to reproduce Your results in instance segmentation, using the scripts that you delivered (train_maskyolo_step1.sh and 2). I did everything according to the instruction. The scripts wor…
Is there anyone who would like to share the training file? I tried to set up by myself but failed.
model = dict(
ValueError: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 80 from PyObject
error after try to run an execution test from https://github.com/carlos…
您好!我使用您的框架mmrotate0.2.0训练测试HRSC2016数据集的性能,分别使用了ReDet和Roi trans等模型,发现测试集上的性能与使用ReDet论文作者发布的代码 差距很大,特别是AP75和mAP。而配置都是一样的,基本没改过。
auto_scale_lr = dict(base_batch_size=16, enable=True)
backend_args = None
data_root = '/data/luoyq/data/toutu/v3'
dataset_type = 'VOCDataset'
default_hooks = dict(
## Description
I tried to convert `QDQ DepthwizeConv > BatchNorm > Swish(Sigmoid, Mul)` model by using trtexec, but it fails with the error below.
> [E] Error[10]: [optimizer.cpp::computeCosts::…