Wang, Yilun, and Michal Kosinski. 2018. “[Deep neural networks are more accurate than humans at detecting sexual orientation from facial images.](https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/sites/gsb/files/publicati…
A whole lot of the questions are ambiguously worded, incorrectly valued, or just plain silly. No offense.
I also have a problem with your 'tradition' bar in general. Generally, the political spectr…
Source ticket: https://help.oac.cdlib.org/a/tickets/144525
Collection Registry entry created:
ATOM feed:
I used to treat psychedelics the same way I treated other drugs. But now I believe that psychedelics can help people cope with mental disorders. They may be the next step in the development of psychia…
- [x] Create Jenkins job (in Jenkins).
- [x] Create a Jenkinsfile.
- [x] Figure out landing page. #19
- [ ] Create main.py and check scraper works.
- [x] Determine eventual Tidy data column name…
Pose a question about one of the following articles:
“[Deep neural networks are more accurate than humans at detecting sexual orientation from facial images](https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi…
I am typing with this amazing website, and I absolutely love it. The issue is that the word *sexual* comes up **veeery** often, which I noticed as I was practising the letter "x".
Personally I don'…
One thing we might want to look at is having a way to write the data classification questions in a more readable format such as a yaml config file and allow these to be imported.
## Update
## What
In some of the NHS website content, we refer to the LGBTQI+ community as "LGBT" - gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans. Have we tested this with the community? Is it representative enough?