The length of the season field is 1073741822 characters, which seems to be a waste of space. Need to have Brad update to a length of one. Possible link to season domain.
@ChristopherTracey requested new Brook Trout data to be added to the SGCN_line feature class
Currently, this is part of the SGCN occurrence datasets. It might serve us a little better to have this be a part of the lu_SGCN table for the following reasons:
- it would one place to maintain th…
Common names for the follow species are missing:
- Sideridis maryx
- Amnicola decisus
- Gammarus cohabitus
- Heptagenia culacantha
- Choroterpes basalis
- Ephemerella aurivillii
- Arthroplea bi…
Shorthead Garter SnakeR
The trailing 'R' shows up occasionally in the PFBC datasets.
In the SGCN data layers (pt, ln, py) there are duplicated entries of some common names. See this snip of a summarized table:
EOs for birds exist in Biotics with source features represented by BBA blocks. Some of these overlap with finer scale source features (e.g. nests). Investigate how to remove these features to improve …
I am trying to configure layers.json to inclulde species data from map service http://dev.services.coastalresilience.org:6080/arcgis/rest/services/New_York/NY_CLIMAD_species_maptree/MapServer. It cont…