Can we call the Tf-idf features extraction Spark function from `sparklyr` ? if not can we create the tf-idf matrix based on `dplyr` library ?
Hello, I would try the sparkhello but when I launch
it directly download spark-1.5.2-bin-hadoop-2.6.tgz instead I already have spark-2.1.0-bin-hadoop2.7 installed.…
Testing cluster mode on our internal Hortonworks cluster shows launch sometimes succeeds and sometimes fails. Failures appear to be due to timeout waiting for the application to start. However, the …
I am trying to create an extension as mentioned in the git hub on windows.
I am getting below error.
sparklyr::compile_package_jars() Error: failed to discover scala-2.10 compiler -- search pa…
I created an docker image based from the rocker project, and I'm not quite sure what the correct way of installing Linuxbrew is on the container. It seems like there is already a Debian buil…
I am setting up for the first time Sparkling Water on a standalone cluster running spark 2.2. I have run Sparkling Water on such a cluster before via R (using rsparkling + sparklyr + h2o), but am havi…
I am attempting to convert a dgCMatrix in R to a sci py matrix using the nmslibR package in order to analyze it using the other functions available in nmslibR. When I do this I receive the error in th…
lkoll updated
6 years ago
I get the following error trying to make the following spark connection.
``` R
getting the following error when I run:
```conda install beakerx```
LinkError: post-link script failed for package conda-forge::beakerx-0.11.1-py36_1
running your command again with `-v` wi…