I am trying to create documentation using `swagger-ui-express` and `swagger-jsdoc` as follows:
import swaggerJsDoc from 'swagger-jsdoc';
import swaggerUi from 'swagger-ui-express';
const …
# Issue
As the microservice grows more complex and for better integration with Buildly Core, we would like there to be an autogenerated Swagger documentation for the service.
# Solution
Use an ex…
Do you have the API documented, e.g. by swagger ?
This means I can generate clients for the OGC SensorThings API and use your component very easily. I have been working on this, but my version is by n…
Small issue, but Pre-Primary Reports are coded in the swagger page here (https://api.open.fec.gov/swagger/) as 10P, when they should be 12P
![screenshot 2018-10-15 13 35 45](https://user-images.githu…
## Description
In #88442 collab cycle recommended we remove the add'l info component from the Oracle Health redirect.
In #88444 collab cycle recommended we add the text(opens in a new tab) after the…
I tried running the "Basic" example, taken from https://github.com/SMILEY4/ktor-swagger-ui/blob/develop/ktor-swagger-ui-examples/src/main/kotlin/io/github/smiley4/ktorswaggerui/examples/Basics.kt, onl…
API-First 접근법을 바탕으로 Cloud-Migrator platform v0.3.0 릴리스를 추진 중에 있습니다 🚀
: Ref https://github.com/cloud-barista/cloud-migrator/issues/11
**Proto/draft API 및 docs, simple/sample guides 에 대한 현황 파악 및 공유…
Suggestion to create a swagger api documentation for louis for better tracking different api endpoints, with the application scope expanding and also making testing easier.
- [New OpenFoodFacts API](http://en.wiki.openfoodfacts.org/API#Searching_for_products#API_Basic_Documentation)
- [Swagger](http://swagger.io/) and [online example](http://petstore.swagger.io/)
More context here https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/43140#issuecomment-2431304177
To avoid additional mismatch between the code and the documentation, we could add a small layer to automatic…