I'm having an issue with installing bcftools (mac running Catalina). I used:
`conda install -c bioconda bcftools` (https://anaconda.org/bioconda/bcftools)
However, when I try to call bcftoo…
iRODS support in Dockerfile below works for the version 1.10.2, but not for 1.11.
ARG htsversion=1.10.2
ARG samversion=1.10
ARG bcfversion=1.10.2
Specifically, when loading an irods file…
This seems a really nice tool in exploring QC of vcf. I wanted to give a try. After I installed it in my mac using `pip install vcfstats` and run the example vcf file, I got the error as below. Do yo…
I am getting below error when using plot-vcfstats. I attached the [plot-vcfstats.log](https://github.com/samtools/bcftools/files/39831/plot-vcfstats.txt) for your reference.
Tried `0.6.0` using `pip install -U vcfstats` , but got new error message as below.
$ vcfstats --vcf examples/sample.vcf \
> --outdir examples/ \
> --formula 'COUNT(1) ~ CONTIG' \
> --title '…
I calculated the `bcftools stats -s- vcf_file_chr > chr_stats` for the single chromosomes and plotted the data using `plot-vcfstats -p '' chr_stats` and the result looks ok e.g.
![hwe 0](https…
since 1.11 at least, I see:
gcc -rdynamic -o bcftools main.o vcfindex.o tabix.o vcfstats.o vcfisec.o vcfmerge.o vcfquery.o vcffilter.o filter.o vcfsom.o vcfnorm.o vcfgtcheck.o vcfview.o vcfann…
we've been using the vxf2sex plugin from the 1.3 version of bcftools successfully for single sample VCF files thus far.
We recently started using this for prediction of gender for a trio VCF …
I ran plot-vcfstats on a stats file containing this NRD section:
# NRD and discordance is calculated as follows:
# m .. number of matches
# x .. number of mismatches
# NRD = (xRR + xR…
I have a good quality GG/TC MNP:
$ freebayes -f /data/reference/ucsc/hg19/hg19.fa -r chr22:42526560..42526563 -F 0.3 reads.bam 2> /dev/null| cut -f1-6 | grep -v "##"
chr22 42526561 . GG …