Check the instructions on the MDETR repo to find the proper validation code.
1. Adapt the test data to the evaluation code
2. Make sure to use the right model (how to call the model, etc.)
To the Authors
This is a very interesting and good work on visual grounding tasks with a Query-based detector. The paper is also well written and clear. Super interesting results with GLIGEN as we…
Answer the following questions:
- How is OpenVLA evaluated in the original paper?
- How can we adapt it for zero-shot?
- What are the datasets the original work covers in its evals?
- What are th…
Hello everyone, thank you very much for your contribution. I appreciate the effort and consistency in uploading the code for such many models and maintaining this repository.
I saw Kosmos-2 and I q…
pip install -e .
Looking in indexes: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple
Obtaining file:///G:/SegmentAnythingin3D/GroundingDINO
Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... done
Requirement already sati…
请问文章中表4在测试Qwen-VL-Chat和MiniGPTv2的定位精度时,是使用的官方发布的预训练模型还是把模型在两个数据集上又分别进行了微调?另外,表4中Visual Grounding精度计算的脚本有开源吗?
The `store_history` feature in #393 is a great feature. Logging RL training often requires storying episode recordings, too. These videos can clutter up the dashboard. Would it be possible to add `sto…
Possibilities to integrate Logbook data model in Artemis:
1. use existing SignalkKvConvertor with signalkformat
-TODO: in parsePost - **add checkPostValid** for "Logbook" filter
- subscribe hand…
Thanks for your brilliant work!
I'm wondering if the model can detect all objects, such as a 'grounding dino'?
- [ ] [LLaVA/README.md at main · haotian-liu/LLaVA](https://github.com/haotian-liu/LLaVA/blob/main/README.md?plain=1)
# LLaVA/README.md at main · haotian-liu/LLaVA
## 🌋 LLaVA: Large Language and Vi…