$ echo -e "I think\nwe've got a problem." | yad --list --column=''
--dclick-action='echo' --geometry=400x400+400+0
Second line won't get echoed, because of the _'_ character.
With yad 0.18.0-1 …
Used yad 0.40.0 (GTK+ 3.24.33) on Linux Mint 21 vanessa
Now, using latest `AppImage`:
yad --version 2>/dev/null
10.90 (GTK+ 3.24.30)
The command that was putting the box on the top…
Can you explain where yad get its image for --window-icon and --image options?
I have gnome icon theme installed. When I run "yad --window-icon battery
--image battery", the battery appears im…
# Update Script issue
## Displays "terminated" when current instance of yad is killed
I have an update script that is set up as a cronjob that runs every hour that uses yad to display an icon in …
I just want to verify if the below is the intended behavior for notification
1) "yad --notification" - left click: close notification
2) "yad --notification --listen" - left click: close …
Give this dialog:
`yad --list --column whatever foo bar`
**foo** shows up as selected. How would I make **bar** selected by default?
I'm using yad de48b55.
I tried to retrieve the videos from TheNitroZyniak's channel, which was removed in December 2022, but no videos were dumped to the yad.videos file.
I'll be grateful if you manage to fix that.
The recent fix with forms may have caused a new issue. I have had the following form field:
` --field="":CHK "TRUE"`
This empty string in front of :CHK worked well (i.e. showed nothing) in pre…
Even using [TopIcons](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1031/topicons/) or [KStatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator Support](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/615/appindicator-support/) Yad systray…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Write only this:
FORM=$(yad --form --field="Name" --field="Surname")
name=$( echo "$FORM" | cut d"|" -f 1)
surname=$( echo "$FORM" | cut d"|"…