yolov4在darknet下训练mAP能达到90%以上,这里稀疏训练-s设为0.0006,第三个epoch就map变成0,即使直接基础训练,第3个epoch后 所有指标就都变为0,train_batch0.jpg 和test_batch0.jpg显示也正常。后面用yolov3-spp重头开始训练自己的训练集,以下四个指标也一直是0,想请教一下问题可能出在哪里
Class Im…
I've noticed their are some additional configurations to the yolo layer, which are used in the csresnext model:
truth_thresh = 1
scale_x_y = 1.1
mozpp updated
4 years ago
Hey @AlexeyAB I was wondering if you had any tips for decreasing the video memory footprint of darknet without decreasing the network size or changing the cfg? I have a 2080Ti and I'm using libdarknet…
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 541, in __call__
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/root/projects/slimyolov3_erikguo/models.py", li…
OMP: Error #15: Initializing libiomp5md.dll, but found libiomp5md.dll already initialized.
OMP: Hint This means that multiple copies of the OpenMP runtime h…
I trained a YOLOv3-SPP model using custom data, I have 3 classes. I then converted it to a Keras .h5 file and then converted it to a CoreML. I ended up with a CoreML model whose Prediction section loo…
I have a task, where I need to recognize the endings of wires of capacitors and capacitors itself. I already modeled this process with "fake" wires with yolov3-spp, and it worked almost per…
daiwc updated
4 years ago
对tiny yolo剪枝的时候,报错如上?看过一些解决方法,发现并没有用。