When working on a Clojure project (deps.edn, with Cursive plugin), WakaTime shows me absolute paths on https://wakatime.com/projects/[REDACTED] in the tooltips, instead of what IntelliJ seems to call …
common helpers for malli assertions for tests. Can be done in user space, but, might be handy as a ns like `malli.test`.
From Slack:
> aaron51 21 hours ago
> Yes, it is straightforward enough …
Comments/questions/links not related to a particular chapter.
Found when working on an old Clojure translation:
- There seems to be only one tes…
Clojure supports `3/4` as a ratio. ClojureScript supports this at the reader level, but not at the object level. It will just read it as `(/ 3.0 4)`, whereas Clojure has a specific ratio object.
I am just pondering about having a DSL in Kotlin based on the Java implementation.
I realize (looking at #20) that Clojure clients are not currently supported, but it would be a nice feature for the client API to work on Clojure as well. And just for the record (in regard to #20 aga…
⚠️ Imported from legacy repository. This issue is a duplicate of https://github.com/Clojure-Intro-Course/babel-legacy/issues/123.
babel.middleware=> (quote a b c)
Fails a predicate: 'The arg…
From the doc ==>
```;; good
(clojure.string/upper-case "bruce")
;; bad
(.toUpperCase "bruce")
But looking at clojure.string/upper-case
user=> (source clojure.string/upper-case)
Followed the nodejs tutorial in the documentation and this is printed in the repl:
rlwrap: warning: rlwrap appears to do nothing for clojure, which asks for
single keypresses all the time. Do…