Reading through some articles I found on the interweb, it appears the correct method for handling js + coffee is to:
1. Create a coffee file that compiles
2. Create a JS file
3. @codekit-prepend …
**Quick, short summary:**
I am attempting to import the npm module pixi.js. As soon as I do, I get the compilation error:
Bundled successfully, but with warnings: preferring built-in mo…
Hi there,
I updated to the last version of CodeKit yesterday (1.2.3), and noticed an important bug: everytime I close and re-open the app, CodeKit projects (in the sidebar) disappear (http://img.psaik…
This started happening a couple weeks ago. Codekit is taking about 30 seconds to finish after I save the file. Im compiling SASS. I have to wait each time to see my changes. Ive restarted code kit whi…
Include/Import a file by following the absolute path. Moving files to a directory at a different depth causes relative links to break and the need to recode.
Leading / = server root (Project root???)…
On LiveReload, I am able to execute a shell command after every change. This is excellent as I can synchronize files to other folders or lump a large collection of complex tasks into a build script.
I just started a new project and noticed that CodeKit will not pick up imports in a scss file after doing sprite-map.
I have a file called master.scss with this in it
``` scss
I'm novice in Jade and trying to use Json format as a database for eaching loops.
title = 'Jade + Json + CodeKit'
include data.json
Grawl updated
10 years ago
Hi Bill and others...
I'm really enjoying the simplicity of using the EA-Starter for Genesis and I'm looking to add some JS tricks to the mix. I was able to get SASS tasks to build in VSCode but I'm …
Is this normal behavior?
If i'm scrolled down halfway on a page editing some js code, save, (codekit refreshes), the page will reload, start at the top of the screen, then auto scroll down to where…