i would like to add a dino gaem to your repo. please assign me this issue and add hacktoberfest labekl to it
This is just a question regarding the DINO gif. I think the notation p_t and p_s near the distribution plot should be swapped (p_s above and p_t below), same for the colour in the cross entr…
作者您好,我尝试使用开源的2D-3D registration代码重新训练测试,结果与论文中有较大出入,RGB-D Scenes V2上训练三次的平均Mean RR为78.9(每次训练测试的Mean RR都没有超过80)与Diff-Reg(dino/steps=10)的87.0相差8个点,数据集与环境皆是按照readme的要求。想请问您原文的结果是某次训练测试的结果,还是多次训练测试的平均值。谢谢…
Is it possible to export a dino from your library in the same format as the export files from Ark?
When I have issues with extracting (As I currently am with a mutgen'd megalo) I sometimes download…
ghost updated
3 years ago
Through some testing of my own code I found out that saving the game whilst any weapon is in its shooting phase (means that it still has one or two out of three total projectiles waiting to be shot) t…
why is the dinov2 num_patches set to 256?
the image size is 336, and the kernel size is 14. the num patches should be the same to clip, which is 576.
_Originally written by **cavebearhit | 76561198286650374**_
Game Version: 1.1.1128
*===== System Specs =====
CPU Brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
Vendor: GenuineIntel
GPU Brand: Intel(…
Title: Dino Game - Chrome
About: To create a game where chrome uses the same game when no internet connection and it is implemented by python
Name: Rammya Dharshini K
Label: Feature Request
Hi Thomas,
Me *AGAIN*. :( Sorry. Thank you for your patience.
Not a clue what I've done wrong this time. It is looking for Dinos 'R' Us which appears to be there. Althoug…