Incident 29 concerns the "tank story," which may be apocryphal.
Incident 21 seems to be primarily about performance issues in a competition and is not necessari…
Dear Mr. Ferreira,
I kindly ask you if it's possible to know the Stanford CoreNLP version that was used in order to parse sentences. I'm currently using version "2014-08-27", but parsed dependencies …
**Github username:** @KupiaSecAdmin
**Twitter username:** KupiaSecurity
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0x6b924fc7e30aa1aba63fe97bb0eea2e9f643e317526198740c408623de09692f
**Severity:** medium
- **Model-Free vs Model-Based RL**
>1)**Model-based** algorithmis an algorithm that uses _the transition function_ (and _the reward function_) in order to estimate the optimal policy.
> The age…
Continue with autoencoder framework and add the ability to predict the latent space at the next timestep with a simple fully connected NN as a first attempt.
I've added a reference to some work of …
With the competition (#1) concluded and the winners announced (#18), they have been tasked with coming up with suggestions for new active compounds by using their developed models. These suggestions w…
**Github username:** @0xmahdirostami
**Twitter username:** 0xmahdirostami
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0x24e53ce310ba03cf69c8d0d4e6713fbbdcfb328a14a244fbe871fe7000ce751e
**Severity:** high
[google drive pdf](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zveId0lMojEONZpoN4ekhzBVYlsmfpWv/view?usp=drive_link)
URL: https://api.replicate.com/v1/predictions
1. Introduction:
This report outlines a potential security vulnerability discovered in the API service provided by Replicate. While performing routin…