I was trying to test the model but I get the following errors:
Using TensorFlow backend.
/home/cm72ein/Project/DeepMotion/deep-motion-master/src/FI_unet.py:59: UserWarning: Update your `Conv2…
# Abstract
Octan innovates a novel AMM model with customizable capital efficiency & tailored market making, while keeping simple UX, fungibility & reusability of LP tokens of Uniswap v2. This is done…
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| Bugzilla Link | [PR17809](https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17809) |
| Status | NEW |
| Importance | P normal |
Curious if you've seen a way to extend this into Jerk limiting applications. Your current implementation assumes unbounded jerk no?
I want to use OpenFAST to simulate the load torques on the pitch motor. I'm using OpenFAST 3.5.3. To do this, I use the output parameter RootMzb1 from ElastoDyn or B1RootMzr from BeamDyn to …
I try to `roslaunch spencer_people_tracking_launch tracking_on_bagfile.launch` and there is no tracking result.
- composite/laser_front
Once I have trained the ODEFun, how can I make future time prediction as an initial value problem if the network does not accept first and second derivative initial values?
Or is this project only …
I am trying setup training with a different `mjcx/humnoid.xml` file however I am facing a lot of dimension issues and observation space issues if I just replace the `asset_file`.
What files and cha…
Can generate image using Enfugue, but couldn't generate animation using it.
![2BF%EH{G0BBV{TAAT 4ZNGW](https://github.com/painebenjamin/app.enfugue.ai/assets/122721349/c03f5f9e-db06-4ec8-ade7-7546…
### Problem description
Wall mount 5v version of this product: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005005477612297.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.16.2a5879d214SME3&gatewayAdapt=glo2nld
### S…